Partner with #ProtectProtest

Partner with #ProtectProtest

When people speak out and stand up for human rights, they change the world for the better.

Women's voting rights, land rights, marriage equality and the five day working week were all won by people trying to make a difference for themselves, and their communities. Without the right to raise our voices in protest, our world would be a very different place. 

The right to protest is a fundamental human right. Yet we are still seeing governments in Australia and across the world crack down on this freedom and implement restrictive and punitive laws.

Right now, our right to ...

When people speak out and stand up for human rights, they change the world for the better.

Women's voting rights, land rights, marriage equality and the five day working week were all won by people trying to make a difference for themselves, and their communities. Without the right to raise our voices in protest, our world would be a very different place. 

The right to protest is a fundamental human right. Yet we are still seeing governments in Australia and across the world crack down on this freedom and implement restrictive and punitive laws.

Right now, our right to challenge injustice is under threat from powerful lobby groups and the governments they influence, and we need to act urgently.

We need to protect the right to protest and challenge injustice so we can continue to create change and make the world fair, free, equal and just.

To ensure we can push back against these forces, we need to work together with people like you, and encourage as many people as possible to raise their voices.

Sign up as a Protect Protest Partner today:

  1. Add your organisation's name and logo to the gallery using the form on this page
  2. Ask your community members to add their selfies to the #ProtectProtest Pledge


Add your organisation's name and logo to the gallery to join the movement to #ProtectProtest!


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