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Raise the Age
I am writing to let you know that I, and many other Queenslanders, don’t want to see children between 10 and 13 years old in prison. Right now in Queensland children between 10 and 13 years old are locked up in prison. Medical experts say that children’s brains are still developing, especially the parts that regulate judgement, decision-making and impulse control. This means that kids cannot foresee the consequences of any action and cannot fully understand the criminal nature of their behaviour. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has called on countries to raise the age to at least 14 years old. The median global age is 14 years and countries like China, Russia, Germany, Spain, Sierra Leone, Azerbaijan, Cambodia and Rwanda have shown leadership by taking this step and we must do the same for Australian kids. A recent report by former Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson recommended that the age that kids are locked up be raised to 12. Importantly, he acknowledged that the age should be eventually raised to fourteen. Minister Farmer, I call on you to immediately and urgently raise the age of criminal responsibility to at least 14 years old and instead place kids in prevention programs that give them the care and support they need.
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